Sunday 21 September 2014

Clare - South Australia

21 - 22 September 2014

We arrived in Clare in the early afternoon after a long drive. This is just an overnight stop so we are just staying in a motel. We headed out for a walk through town to get our bearings and find somewhere to have dinner. To my great delight I discovered we were staying right next door to Knappstein Winery and Cellar Door! How convenient. On our way back from our walk I felt I should sample the local drop and decided on a very nice Pinot Gris.

It should have been easy to take a good shot of this musk lorikeet as the light was good and the birds were low down in an open tree, but try as I might, I could not get a whole bird both focused and fully in the frame. This is the best I could do. Unfortunately I haven't had any other opportunities since this one.

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